Classic TV: The Twilight Zone
More early TV for the collection, a growing collection of media that I will get to enjoy over the next several years.
A long time ago, probably circa 2004 or so, I bought a small collection of The Twilight Zone on DVD. It was 5 discs that spanned 4 of the 5 seasons and boasted all the most iconic episodes.
For the longest time, that was what I had, first to watch on DVD, then later ripped to my Plex server.
And they were the most popular and well known episodes. Time Enough, Only the Lonely, and others that have been referenced over and over again in pop culture references, from the Simpsons to Southpark and more, homage has been paid to the trailblazing of the original series, The Twilight Zone.
The Twilight Zone was the brainchild of Rod Serling, an innovator of television in the late 1950s, his vision led to almost 160 episodes across 5 seasons. This was back when a 30 minute show had 25+ minutes of show, and < 5 minutes of ads, and a season had 35 or more episodes. Those boys worked HARD.
One of the innovations was to cast up and coming stars, effectively launching careers. Names like Charles Bronson, Jack Krugman, and others got their start on The Twilight Zone.
Why all the TZ love? Last weekend, I pulled the trigger on a complete set on Blu ray disc, and I quickly got to ripping them for my Plex server. Higher resolution, and far far better transfers from the original media than the DVD’s I already have, this is a huge uplift in quality. And it is all episodes.
It is a great time to snack up on all the old classics, repackaged, and often retransferred from source materials.