Sorry not sorry, I can’t stand David French. There are a lot of reasons, but mainly it is his shitty religious views that taint most everything he writes. And the fact that so many of the never trump republicans slaver over his “tactful rhetoric” and how they believe that that reasoning will finally bury the orange jackass.
In reality, I get a seriously elitest vibe from him chastising anyone to the left of Genghis Kahn as being the driver of the MAGA, and that we can’t help but make them more powerful. Because we refuse to see their struggles, or some such bullshit.
But, today, what is getting me to write this is his reflection in the NY Times on “Appeasing Donald Trump Won’t Work” wherein he blathers about the “great” writing by his colleague at the Gray Lady - Ross “dumbfuck” Douthat.
It drives me fucking nuts to listen to rational right leaning people who comment that David French’s analysis will help untangle the MAGA insanity. Are you fucking kidding me? They are going to read French in the NY Times, and then realize that following Trump to the gates of Hell is bad, and amend their evil ways?
For fuck’s sake, the moment that the NY Times hired him, he became a non-entity in the right wing media ecosystem. As to why the Times hired him? I have to assume that Hugh Hewitt, Marc Thiessen, and Henry Olsen’s contracts were too air tight at the WAPO.
Seriously, in case you missed my point. FUCK DAVID FRENCH.