HGoTW: Bonus edition - Ramesh Ponnuru
Clueless late middle-aged male says "Hold my Beer" and goes full fuckwad
The danger of pulling the trigger on the HGoTW too early is that some oxygen-thief would open their piehole and spew something ridiculous.
Meet the Editor of National Review who also dribbles his logorrhea on the WaPo, Ramesh Ponnuru. While he isn’t technically a white male, being from the Indian subcontinent, I am sure he feels he qualifies as a middle-aged white dude.
This is important later.
Anyhow, in the wake of the fuckery of the Arizona Superior Court resurrecting a draconian territorial era law (from 1864) that effectively tells those Arizonans who happen to have been cursed with the dreaded XX chromosomes to “suck it up and just carry that foetus to term and can you make a sandwich on your way out…”
Because, Arizona.
Yesterday, I called out the utter and shameless hypocrisy of both Kari Lake and former Governor Doug Doucey for their horror at the reaction to their particular fuckery.
Turns out that Ramesh Ponnuru has some words of wisdom in the verbal diarrhea that he drooled into the WaPo editorial page. Some choice nuggets:
The pro-life movement has often drawn parallels between itself and the abolitionists, identifying Abraham Lincoln’s statesmanship as a model of political prudence combined with moral clarity. But that movement is now allied — and, for the moment, even led — by a modern heir to Lincoln’s great opponent, Stephen Douglas.
Yeah, he really compared Trump to Stephen Douglas, AND anti-abortion crusaders to the abolitionists.
What the actual fuck? This is what passes for “intellectual honesty” on the right? You’re fuckin’ with me, right?
Not content with this nugget of batshittery, he goes on:
The Democratic Party is all-in for unrestricted and subsidized abortion. It downplays the full extent of its support but nevertheless makes the case for broad access. Republicans would rather not talk about it. Democrats nationally will fundraise and rally to pass state referendums blocking abortion regulations. Republicans, by and large, will say those ballot initiatives are local matters to be determined by the voters.
Wasn’t it until like 30 fucking seconds ago that the R’s, and their butt-buddies, the evangelicals were all in on passing laws and shit to sanctify and codify life beginning at the first insertion of the penis in the vagina (missionary only, please)? Yeah, fuck this guy.
Republicans have convinced themselves that their passivity is shrewd: Why should politicians at the federal level talk about an issue when the public leans against them and they lack the power to enact legislation anyway? (Some conservatives are even saying that Republicans opposed federal involvement in abortion policy all along, which is not true.)
But this sets up a skewed debate. Pro-lifers in deep-red states will continue to enact laws that go beyond what most Americans favor. And these laws will keep generating stories — some of them genuine, some of them distorted — that put restrictions on abortion in a bad light. (emphasis mine)
Yo buddy, I know that the heart wrenching stories pierce your tidy narrative, you really should feel shame for your positions.
If you can stomach it, do read that gifted link, but I can save you the time. He thinks that Republicans need to power through this, to stay “true” to their beliefs, and to fuck over all the young women who should just be happy to be incubators for their fetuses and can they make them a sandwich?
No, Ramesh Ponnuru, you are a late add to this weeks’ Human Garbage of the Week. You really want to be that mediocre middle aged white dude that causes all the members of the fairer sex to cringe when they are in your presence.
This fucking guy, amirite?
Edited to add: While I was typing this up, the excellent folks at Popular Information (you should sub there) posted this much less sweary write up:
I am at a loss to understand how these right wing nuts equate 'unwanted pregnancy' with 'essential life saving medical procedure' to save the life of a young mother. The process is the same, yes, but to have a blanket ban on D&Cs as well as abortions is barbaric. Well done for calling out someone who equates 'the pro-life movement with Abolitionists'. Just because both words begin with A doesn't make them equivocal! Bravo Geoff.
In case you missed this guy, Mark Simone.