There’s a Youtube artist that I like. Emily Hopkins, she is a harpist, who does a TON of killer things with various guitar effects, and she also creates video game soundtracks. She is awesome, and you ought to look her up.
Anyhow, she does these fun vids that are hilarious, and one of her recent ones is where she invites a vocal artist to help her out. This introduced Yvette Young to me, and I clicked on her channel, and holy forking shirtballs, she is just A W E S O M E.
Seriously talented, great touch, and fun to watch.
Just so you believe me, here is what is pinned to the top of her channel page:
Midwest EMO on Crack? Killer title. Even better music.
She has a band, and they are also amazing:
Now I am off to buy some of their (and her) albums. It is that good.
(The original vid that got me hunting…)
Do go check out Emily, but definitely go check out Yvette’s vids. Just killer.