More Zepparella: Whole Lotta Love
How much awesome is there in a single E chord? Turns out a Whole Lotta awesome.
I was having a mediocre work afternoon, and I happened to stumble into Youtube for a quick break.
Well, lookee here, what do I see? Is that some NEW Zepparella? Dropped like 3 hours ago?
Oh hell yeah, I got near 13 minutes I can kill. Recorded at Mystic Theater in Petaluma California (I gotta get my ass up there) in June of 2024, and the audio is just CHOICE.
If you are struggling today, do your ears a solid and at least listen to the lovely ladies belt out the best song that is really one chord. They do the Mighty Led Zeppelin proud:
Nice. This brought me in to my friends house in St Louis-I am no primed for cocktail hour. ✌️
Thank you. I enjoyed that.