Music: Ally Venable et. al.
She's worth keeping an eye on. Seeing her and her bandmates belt out the blues, makes me think the future is bright. Not an autotune in sight!
I have a YUGE soft spot in my heart for the blues. It was something that really connected with me growing up, and when I began learning to play guitar, I gravitated to some of the standards of the Blues genre.
Mainly because it was technically simple to learn. I-III-IV, or I-IV-V chord progressions that were easy to move to different keys, and lots of open space to noodle and improvise over, it was a match made in heaven for me.
Thus, when I come across an artist (or groups of them) who just click, and belt out great tunes in the style of the Delta Blues, I sit down and listen.
A while back, a fan of the ‘stack pointed me at Ally Venable, a young lady who really wrangles her git-box, getting just jaw dropping sounds and tunes out of it.
Here, she is performing at a venue with other X-X chromosomed individuals belting out amazing slide guitar tones from her Telecaster.
Nothing more needs to be said, but this will be six minutes of your life that you will be glad you spent. Trust me on this.
Was I right?
These women are fire 🔥🔥🔥 thanks for sharing
ALLY IS AMAZING!!! I have seen her play and sing - on YouTube with SO MANY Major Stars and she not only keeps up She Beats the hell out of them ALL!!
I have been a fan since first started showing up and each time I see her I love her even more!!
Excellent choice!!!