New Music: Dream Theater
New track - Midnight Messiah - delivers on the promise that DT has made with their fans for more than three decades.
My first brush with Dream Theater was in the early 1990’s after the album Images and Words hit the shelves. I was building yet another computer (I was chasing the dragon of gaming) and at Fry’s Electronics where I bought some of the components, I also grabbed me a copy of I&W.
I popped it into the CD Player, and whoa. I was smitten immediately. The era of progressive metal was born to me, and I was all in on it.
While I do not own all their albums, I have more than a smattering of their music in my collection.
This morning, I woke up as usual way too early, and my first brush with YouTube offered up a rare nugget. A new track by Dream Theater dropped.
I think I broke the speed of light to mash that play button, and I was treated to the track below.
They still have the magic. They still deliver the goods. And John Petrucci is still a guitar god.
I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. \m/
And a good morning to you! Great way to start the day. I didn’t know they were still around.