Observations from a Doctor Visit
Yesterday, I made my annual visit to my cardiologist, and some thoughts.
I had a cardiac event more than 13 years ago. At the time, I was 44 years old. This event required a stent, and extensive cardiac rehab, as well as rather frequent visits to my main man, a cardiologist (Dr. Desai was amazing).
At the ripe old age of 44, I was - by far - the youngest person in the waiting room, and in rehab.
It was weird, but after doing some research, people at my age at the time did indeed have these cardiac events quite frequently. Thus, I was not that unusual.
At the time, I was in pretty good shape, running 5-6 miles 6 days a week, as well as some core strength training at the gym. Thus the event was a shock, and a wakeup call. You can’t outrun your genetics!
Fast forward to today, I had my annual visit with my cardiologist, and suddenly, I am in the same age cohort as many of the others in the waiting room.
Now, that is depressing. I am getting old. Better than the alternative, I guess!