I know what I said, but this morning I stumbled across a cellphone capture of a live show. The audio get clipped, but the opening, where the lady tickling the ivories is giving off a serious Jon Lord vibe.
As I have pointed out, Deep Purple’s “Child in Time” is where my bubble was popped when I was taking lessons. My maestro explained to me how many of my heroes at that point would become less heroic, because once you understand the pentatonic minor scale, and some chord structure theory, a huge swath of Rock music opens right up.
And Child in Time was the chink in the door, and once it was cracked, my world was blown away.
When the vocals chime in, the lady singing has far more range than the impressive Ian Gillian.
But, about 4 minutes in the guitar leads begin, and the incomparable Eliana Cargnelutti steps up to the plate and BAM, hits a fucking HOME RUN. Not a note-for-note copy of the original Blackmoore, she takes it further, making it her own, injecting her grit and elan to the mix.
And oh, what a sweet mix it is.
‘Tis a shame that the audio is limited by the cellphone mic, but get past that, and WOW.
Judge for yourself:
Just amazing.
Edited: A kind reader (Thanks Marcus!) had a link to a better video, so I am, replacing it.
I think the drumming is superior to Deep Purple.
Thank you!
I couldn’t get past the buzz on the phone mic. This is same song, different performance, better audio.