It was 1977, I was 11 years old, and I was blessed to watch Star Wars at first not on the big screen, but a school chum’s father was a marketing executive at Sony, and he had a copy on video tape. We got to watch it at his house and it was glorious to an 11 year old boy.
I remember being chuffed that it failed to win best picture (it lost to Annie Hall) and I was a huge fan.
Of course, decades later I watched it again, and I completely understood why it failed to win “Best Picture”. The acting was atrocious. Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher were just dreadful. The young Harrison Ford was also pretty sucky.
Yeah, you might disagree, but go back and watch it, and realize that George Lucas does a lousy job of writing dialog.
But, so many people have coopted the phrase “May the Force be with you” into a faux holiday, celebrated on May 4th.
So, here is my antidote to this insanity.
Going forth, the correct celebration for May 4th is Dave Brubeck day.
One more:
May you have a great day!
LOL Yes to Dave Brubeck!
Can't argue about Dave Brubeck!