(Spoiler alert: Wordle October 31, 2024)
I am hopelessly addicted to the NY Times word games. Don’t ‘@’ me, I don’t care. I do the mini and full crossword puzzles, the Wordle, Connections, and Spelling Bee every day.
For Wordle there are some strategies out there, many people start with “ADIEU” as it knocks out most of the vowels (‘cept for O and sometimes Y — yay us GenX kids).
I have a different approach. I basically use the same first two guesses. Combined they cover the most commonly used letters in the English language, and it sets me up to get Wordle in 3 guesses very frequently.
These two initial guesses? “WEIRD” and “COAST”. That will take 10 letters of 26 off the board, and it often gets me oh so close.
Today, I started with my usual WEIRD, and then the letters flipped up “GREEN”, so I got it in one.
That is a good way to start a spooky day!
I am Usually a word puzzle junkie!! But for some reason when Wordle became a major “thing” I said nope- not this time.
I play Scrabble any time I can - against people, my phone anywhere I can. I guess I must be a Scrabble Snob -Good on you for the crossword puzzles- they are my first love. Daddy taught me some of the How - my Sister taught the rest after he passed away.
He died a couple of months shy of my 13th birthday- I finished my first newspaper crossword puzzle after coming home from his funeral. Thank you Daddy for making me love Thinking!!
Put my first word in, then I got a heads-up notice of your Substack post, read your Wordle story and first-word hit, and yeah, went back to Wordle and cheated my arse off...felt good to get it in two...lol!