Thoughts in the aftermath of the Debate
It was a great night. This is why you shouldn't let Laura Loomer or Tulsi Gabbard be the debate coaches. I hope Wiles and LaCivita got paid in advance! (not really)
The Debate
Been pretty busy this week, but I have to admit that I am enjoying the commentary on the debate.
Before I go further, I want to point out that I didn’t watch it, because I have a history of coronary artery disease, I need to avoid situations where my blood pressure gets elevated. In the run up, I had expanded my purview of the “never Trump” news/newsletter ecosystem, and they were almost universally pessimistic of Harris’ potential performance, concurring that the runaway freight train that is the Trump media ecosystem of bullshit would bowl over Harris.
I should have saved myself the time of checking in there, because Kamala was MAGNIFICENT in her performance, repeatedly baiting Trump into looking like an unhinged asshole.
I should have stuck with Rick Wilson’s confidence in her potential performance.
Anyhow, the shock of Trump walking into the spin room unloading his artisanal bullshit that “all the polls” are saying he won.
In your dreams Donnie boy, only in your dreams.
Scanning the news on the day after was bittersweet. Yes, it has become more difficult for them to sane-wash Trump’s idiocy when 67 million Americans watched Trump splutter and dissemble in front of her eyes.
Still, the NY Times still seems intent on soft-pedaling the performance:
Uh, “suboptimal”? Sure, that is about as much whitewashing as you can measure. Naturally, MAGA Haberman was one of the reporters here.
From the article:(link)
His aggressive spinning on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning appeared to be an unspoken acknowledgment that his performance was suboptimal.
The day after Mr. Trump’s debate with Ms. Harris, his aides and his allies were largely echoing his praise of his performance in public, but privately several conceded that the former president had a rough outing, in stark contrast to his more controlled appearance against Mr. Biden.
Ah yes, the public ball fondling of dear leader, and private freak out. Great courage shown MAGA douche nozzles.
Ironically, RFKjr says it as it is:
“Vice President Harris clearly won the debate in terms of her delivery, her polish, her organization and her preparation,” Mr. Kennedy said on Fox News on Wednesday, adding that while Mr. Trump “wins” on substance, “he didn’t tell that story.”
Yep, and also ironic is that Fox News is having an internal civil war where the ‘news’ side is being blunt about how bad the debate was for Trump, but the opinion side continues to fluff Trump. That’s gotta hurt, and I am gonna run out of popcorn.
Ok, that’s enough of the news.
Undecided voters … gimme a break
What is truly dumbfounding to me is how much baked in support the diaper’d Don enjoys.
People much smarter than me say that there is a hard floor of the hard MAGA that is somewhere between 28 and 31 percent of the electorate. That means that almost 1 in 3 Americans are hopelessly in the cult. Nothing will ever peel them away.
It’s really shocking that many Americans either didn’t get Civics and Government knowledge in their education. When I was in high school in the early 1980’s, we had a full year of government and civics, as well as US History, but it seems that later GenX’s stopped learning that stuff, because that seems to me to be solely how they can stumble into the MAGA rabbit hole.
On top of that hard kernel of support, there is ~ 15% of the so-called “Traditional” Republicans that either reflexively pull the lever for the R candidate or want tax cuts.
Combine this with registered Democrats, and there is about 8% of so called “undecided” voters.
For the record, officially, it is about one third Republicans, one third Democrats, and one third Independent (or NPA - No Political Affiliation).
But I would bet my bottom dollar that that large wedge (1/3) of “Independents” are either Republicans or Democrats who like to be viewed as “free-spirits”, and fawned over by news outlets, and the attention they receive. But really, they are not independent.
Alas the electorate is so hardened, that the race is going to be a squeaker, and Harris will need to keep the pedal to the metal until the fifth of November, and then to be ultra responsive to the wall of legal shit that the Trump campaign will flood the zone with bullshit.
But, for a few days, I am going to bask in the afterglow and schadenfreude of the MAGA media.
It is mind blowing how far down the rabbit hole people are. I’ve spent the last 24 hours blocking people on Substack because of their completely unhinged and gross responses to the debate. Literally a barbaric combination of racism, misogynoir, and brainwashing in technicolour. The hate runs deep.
I thoroughly enjoyed watching the "debate" (seriously, these media events barely qualify as debates) by muting DayGlo Traitor when he was lying/ranting/moving his lips.
Harris' facial expressions when TraitorTot was lying were entrrtaing and confirmed without the need for hearing it that he was spewing his usual bullshit.
Lastly, Fuck the Bulwark.