Well I'll be a Monkey's Uncle, I agree with Ramesh Ponnuru
I got nothin', but there's a first time for everything.
Look, I keep my WaPo and NY Times subscriptions because they do some excellent reporting. It is mostly the hacky editorial team that is fucked beyond belief.
Once a week or so I glance at one of their stable of Conservative opinion writers, mainly to see what sort of uncut bullshit they are snorting. But there’s one I almost never click on. That is the Post’s Ramesh Ponnuru, a true diversity hire.
But today, the headline below caused me to click in:
Do I agree that the media needs to keep asking the fucknuts in the Republican party about who won the 2020 election? Abso-fucking-lutely. They way too often let the bedwetting, thumb sucking toddlers skate by with some weapons grade deflection.
But here is one of the “conservative” opiners who agrees that these chicken shit toadies need to nut up and say that “hell yeah, Biden won, let’s move on”, but they seem to be incapable.
Probably because Trump has all their testicles in a jar on his nightstand next to his large text version of Mein Kampf.
Mike Johnson, the speaker of the House, got tripped up this weekend by a question that should not have fazed a high-schooler with a moderate degree of civic awareness: Who won the 2020 election?
Johnson and other Republicans say the question is a trap. But it’s one they have set for themselves.
What is this, someone from the “anti-anti” ecosystem spewing something that is rational? Did I die from my Covid?
No, I am still coughing up a storm.
On a second pass, Johnson said, “Joe Biden has been the president for four years. There’s not a question about this, okay?” He added 185 words on all the topics this exchange was keeping him from addressing. At no point did he say that Trump lost or Biden won.
What’s absurd is not the question but the fact that it has to be asked. All Johnson had to do to be able to move on to the topics he prefers was tell the truth, which can be done succinctly: Biden won. (He could have added an “unfortunately.”)
I had an audible for the “unfortunately”, but upon review in the booth, I’ll allow it. I mean for fuck’s sake is it that fucking hard to acknowledge reality?
How tragic it must be to live in abject terror of the orange turd so much that you sacrifice all your agency, but alas, that is what the cowards that comprise the MAGAfied Republican party today.
And this is why those who dream of a restoration of the institutions that existed prior to 2016 are fooling themselves. There is no going back. Ever.
Modern parties usually abandon presidential candidates who lose. Trump’s barrage of falsehoods about the election saved him from that fate and helped him cruise to the Republican nomination. The larger voting public, in 2022, seems to have held Republicans’ indulgence of 2020 mythology against them. In a recent poll, 63 percent of respondents thought Biden had won legitimately in 2020.
I guess that is one more thing that Trump has corrupted.
Plain and simple? The little fuckers are scared shitless of pissing off Trump and having him turn the base against them. Profiles in Cowardice. And this gutless piece of shit is two heartbeats from the Oval Office. Be VERY afraid.
They are so worried about upsetting daddy, so they lie, and look stupid trying to skirt around the issue