What the candy-apple fuck: Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters
I truly got nothin' on this
Shorty post since I am at work, but what fresh hell is this:
“Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters” (From the WaPo)
In speeches and campaign ads, Biden points to Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, his incitement of an angry mob that ransacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and the former president’s boasts that he will use the powers of his office to punish his political enemies.
But that message may not be resonating with the voters Biden needs in order to win another term in the White House.
Apparently, the “swing” voters in “swing” states that will by a margin of ~ 80K votes decide whether Trump is returned to the white house, or whether Biden gets his second term.
What the fuck? How fucking ignorant are these “swing” voters? Are they trolling us? Are the morons? Are they really Trumpers in disguise? Or all three?
In six swing states that Biden narrowly won in 2020, a little more than half of voters classified as likely to decide the presidential election say threats to democracy are extremely important to their vote for president, according to a poll by The Washington Post and the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University.
Yet, more of them trust Trump to handle those threats than Biden. And most believe that the guardrails in place to protect democracy would hold even if a dictator tried to take over the country.
Have they been in a cave for the last 5 years (or 8 years)? Or are they just idiots.
Side note: these “Deciders” are an interesting category:
The poll surveyed the views of 3,513 registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in April and May. Of those surveyed, 2,255 were classified as “Deciders” — those who fit into one or more categories: They voted in only one of the past two presidential elections; are between ages 18 and 25; registered to vote since 2022; did not definitely plan to vote for either Biden or Trump this year; or switched their support between 2016 and 2020.
So, nearly 40% of the 18-25 cohort (the least voting cohort ever) are these deciders. And they are just this beef headed.
More from the article:
Among the Deciders, more than 7 in 10 believe that Trump will not accept the results of the election if he loses, compared with one-third who say the same for Biden. Nearly half, 47 percent, say Trump would try to rule as a dictator if he is elected to another term as president, compared with 15 percent who say Biden would. The poll finds that just over half of Deciders think Trump is guilty of criminal charges of lying about voter fraud in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election, and more say he has been treated fairly rather than unfairly by the criminal justice system.
So, they think that Trump has been treated fairly, and that he is likely guilty of what he has been convicted of (duh), but still, they think that he is fucking better for Democracy.
Just lunacy.
David Dunacusky, a 61-year-old from Phoenixville, Pa., who serves as a constable, an elected law enforcement officer, is among those who believe that the threat to democracy is coming from the left. A staunch Trump supporter, he echoed Trump’s unfounded claims that voter fraud swung the 2020 presidential election to Biden and suggested that FBI agents were embedded with Jan. 6 rioters. He also expressed concern that the election won’t be legitimate this year.
He said it’s “propaganda 100 percent” when Democrats say Trump is a threat to democracy because “they’re scared to death” of their corruption being exposed.
I mean, c’mon fam, this is just fucking awful
But many voters see less at stake. Alex Mayer, 25, a manufacturing processing engineer who lives in Grand Blanc, Mich., and says he is likely to support Trump, is among those who believe democracy will stand no matter who is president.
“I find it very hard to believe that democracy is going to go away. I don’t think about it very much. I look at it as a foundation that will never change,” Mayer said. (emphasis mine)
We really need to get back to teaching civics in high school. And
Trump is going to win, and we are going to deserve all that happens because of this. Black is white, up is down, war is peace, and those progressives whose panties are in a wad over Gaza are going to be thrilled when the tangerine hippo hands Bibi the H-bombs to turn the strip into glass so that Kushner can redevelop Gaza into a 5 star beachside resort.
This is who we are. May the lord have pity on our souls.
I'm not going to give WaPo a click to read the full article, so I might be missing some important details about this poll. But—it's just another survey. The details in the graphic and the quotation below it don't match up: n = 1,684 in the graphic versus n = 3,513 registered voters in the text. And that classification of "deciders" is just fucking wacky. Nothing in there leads one to think of these people as committed voters, and they're going to decide the election? Give me a fucking break.
It's just more election horse-race fearmongering instead of actual reporting. Please don't support such crap by consuming it, much less spreading it further. Your blood pressure will be better off too!
WaPo can no longer be a trusted source of good journalism or news...in case you missed it! They've been taken over by corporate mothafuckers!