Who the Eff is Sweaty Spice anyway?

image of geoff anderson at a sidewalk cafe
The author at a sidewalk cafe in Chamonix, circa 2004

In the late 1990’s I was working at a semiconductor capital equipment company, as a Product Marketing Manager, and one year, the whole team dressed up as the Spice Girls. I gotta say that I was not an attractive Spice Girl!

But, at the time I weighed about 260#’s (yeah, I was a fatty) and I coined my character as “Sweaty Spice” in the vein of the Spice Girls theme.

I liked it, and it became my video game persona name. It sorta took off from there.

More about me

To this day, I am still a product manager. I have done a LOT of different things, including that semiconductor equipment gig, then I did some time in networking hardware and solutions, from there I got into industrial measurement and test equipment. I bounced from that to enterprise communications software (I can tell you a LOT about fax servers and that market that still is bigger than you expect). I spent three years in Nano-tehcnology, managing products sold to leading edge researchers. Finally, I landed in adult IT education and certifications, where I hope to remain until my working says are over.

I am a dog person, and we have been rescuing dogs for over 20 years, starting with greyhounds (you can read about them at The Greytbros) and most recently Kauai Pig dogs.

I have been playing guitar for over 40 years, and as I like to explain it, I have been turning money into noise for over 4 decades. As I explain to my wife, the correct number of guitars is always “just one more”. She’s not buying that so much anymore. Boo.

Politically, I am left of center, and pretty fiscally conservative. But not in the asshole way, where I want my tax cuts, and damn the safety net. Nope, I want more safety net, and I am willing (and glad) to pay more taxes for them.

What I post

I have gone through waves where I post more politics or observations of the insanity of the political and media classes, and more on personal interest and particularly music related.

Regardless I try to remain balanced (but not neutral, fuck that noise) and mix in some Human Garbage of the Week posts, and scathing rebukes of the fuckery of the punditry classes. I do keep my subs for the NY Times, the Washington Post, and The Atlantic active because those gatekeeping motherfuckers really need to be checked hard.

There is profanity in my posting. Occasionally some puritan tries to tell me that it muddies my otherwise cogent points.

Fuck that noise. This is how I talk in real life, and it is how I write my thoughts here. If that bugs you, swipe left and move along. You will be happier.

Oh, and every word in here that is not part of a pull-quote is something that my brain burbled out. No AI here. Although I do use their built in AI image generator to make funny keystone images. Because it costs Substack money to embed that into their editor, and because these fuckers are happy to sweep profits from the overt Nazi stacks that are monetized, fuck them, I will consume all the resources that they offer, thankyouverymuch!

A pitch

If this sounds like a place you want to hang out, then mash this subscribe button:

Oh, a final note. This ‘stack is cathartic for me. It is how I blow off steam, and thus I will NEVER turn on paid subscriptions. I am sure that a few of you awesome people would pony up the $30 or $50 a year, but truth is, I don’t need the money, and the headache it would cause to my taxes is just not worth the trouble.

If you EVERY see Substack prepending or appending notices in email to recruit you into nudging me to turn on paid, just chuckle, ignore their exhortation, and do like I do, and flip the bird to the jokers at the top here. Chris Best, Hamish MacKenzie, and their leadership team can eat my ass.

Last Licks

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Whether you do subscribe, or you just dive in and out for posts and notes, I am thankful for your attention.

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Music, Politics, Gaming and odd thoughts of Geoff Anderson


Product Manager, tech junkie, dog rescue volunteer, left of center politically