A Good Use of AI
The IRS is going to use AI to sift through data to help audit cohorts that have historically cheated egregiously to improve tax collection. Good.
I was going to write about how Eric Clapton is way over rated, and a racist asshole, but instead, this morning the WaPo had this short article on how the IRS is going to spend some of that IRA money on AI that will help their auditors unearth some of the bullshit these rich fuckers use to screw the government.
Look, I make a good salary, and I pay a lot of taxes. Would I like to pay less in taxes? Sure. But, I also like my government to provide services and a backstop for the less fortunate. Naturally, this could be better coordinated, and executed1, but that is for a different post.
But I am in the top 5% (96th percentile). People above me are far less happy to pay their fair share.
And, they have a lot of resources to evade taxes, shelters to leverage, skeevy accountants to work the edges.
But the era of big data, data science, and well built AI tools to tease out patterns that these slimeballs use to obfuscate earnings, and to starve the government of funding. The initial focus are going to be the largest partnerships (those with a value of at least one Billion dollars) and folks who trade aggressively on crypto currencies (an estimate that 75% of this cohort fail to account properly for tax purposes.)
Anyhow, here’s the link, and I will keep my eyes open for this in the future. As they say, it is a target rich environment…
The piecemeal approach that has happened over the decades has led to a patchwork of programs that is confusing to the recipients, rife with waste, and demonized by different political factions. American Exceptionalism my ass