I treat my partner like my equal because she IS my equal.

Iam A. Man

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I long for a future where EVERY (paid) “professional” op-ed writer is unemployed. Also, my son served 12 years honorably in the Navy, and when he was first telling me about his then girlfriend, now wife, said “you’ll love her, she’s a feminist.” No, we do not need toxic masculinity for our armed services. Look no further than all the military who are coming out against TFG.

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They need to stop trying to make fetch a thing.

(And by *fetch*, I mean that Kamala passed Shapiro over because he’s a Jew. Not because he’s got both baggage and the inability to take a backseat to the fact that she’s in charge. But sure, let’s go with anti-semitism cuz it’s easier than just saying you don’t agree with her decision because pennsylvania, yada yada)

I guess you missed Maureen Dowd this morning. She annoyed me so much with her latest hot take that I actually had to post a comment in the Times comment section.

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I am amazed- by the time I get to the ones that deserve a (withering) comment, they’ve always closed the comments! I hope your comment was appropriately cutting!

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I did miss Ms. Dowd, but I read it, shameless shit-take

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I'm glad you're willing to read the media bias so I don't have to! Thank you, my friend!💙✌🌹😏Ella

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Ross Douchehat wants to be president of the punditpatriarchy - if we’d all just fall in line and follow his every wet dream, everything would be just 1950s-peachy keen.

And for the record, I and many others I know are now spending the money from our previous subscriptions supporting those embarrassing rags masquerading as reliable news sources on various Substack writers, so….

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I was married, had a great career and two wonderful children but my hubs was a fuckwit who I divorced before he could completely screw us over. Ha! Father Knows Best, it wasn’t. Ross can just shut his fucking pie hole.

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Good thing you got your divorce before they take that away from us too!

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Let's start here.

Both of the sources Douhat cites are highly conservative Christians who claim the problem with families is that women are choosing "careerism" over marriage and that since young people aren't going to church enough, they can't find partners.

(When have you ever heard a man's choices include careerism?)

This is the group Wilcox works for (as well as the American Enterprise Institute).


They both have written about it before. Since one of their articles claims "married women with kids are the happiest people in America" I'm going to assume they're sampling 1950s sitcom characters.

Next -- does neo-patriarchy mean all of the privileges with none of the responsibilities? Because one of the reasons you listened to a patriarch is because he was a metaphorical CEO of the family and decisions were made based on what improved the family as a whole.

Last, who looks at Mango baby with his hair piece and lifts and schlubby body and thinks masculine?

Chris Christie may be fat but by God, he looks like a guy who would have your back. Mango baby looks like you could chase him off with a frying pan.

And I don't even like Chris Christie.

Tim Walz looks like a stand up guy with a sense of humor. Harris could have picked Shapiro or Mark Kelly or Andy Beshear and we would all have reason to be happy. (Shapiro and Kelly have both sent me emails encouraging me to donate to Harris and "their good friend Tim" )

But Tim Walz is making us laugh.

Here's to the men who do their damn jobs and still make us laugh.

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"They both have written about it before. Since one of their articles claims 'married women with kids are the happiest people in America' I'm going to assume they're sampling 1950s sitcom characters." Either this, or the state of happiness in America is now unmeasurable.

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Republicans sound bat shit crazy! Maybe it's me. I'm just a woman and I should learn my place. Be deferential to men....HAHAHA, FUCK THAT SHIT!!!🤬😎☠️🤢

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Yes! Intercourse that er, feces goshdarnit!

Iam A. Man

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Hahahaha! Could not help myself Penny. Glad you like.

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