What keeps me up at night is that he might win, but more specifically, that we cannot afford to just pick up and relocate to a sane country, or even a saner location within this country (for however long that would last with Trump in charge.)

I have very real fears that stem from my child being harmed or worse for who she is, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. And I’m in Texas which already scares the hell out of me. For Trump to win would make things exponentially worse.

I pray with everything I have that Kamala wins, not just because she is the best, most intelligent and competent candidate, because there’s no question there, especially when she’s running against an imbecilic buffoon. But I pray she wins so people in this country can live their lives as who they are and know that at least the government and a majority of its citizenry will protect them from racist, bigoted and misogynistic creeps who would do them harm. I pray for so many reasons.

I also volunteer and write letters and post cards, and hope to drive people to the polls on Election Day for those that need transportation.

We HAVE to win. We just have to.

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If the barking yam wins, a lot of people will be hurt, and I promise not to say I told you so, but I simply won’t know what to say if they say to me, “You told us so.”

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Same; keep the faith. Harris WILL win.

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I sure hope you’re right. But I can’t help but feel that it shouldn’t be this much of a nail biter

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C’mon dude! Don’t do this to me.. it CANNOT be as close as all that, can it? Somebody’s fudging the numbers, wringing a horse race out of thin air. We’ve got women on our side this time! And the new voters coming up don’t want a diaper filler for president, do they? Who ACTUALLY thinks that putting that fake ass, eyeliner wearing, christofascist, one heartbeat away from the most powerful seat in the world is a great idea?

No. No, I refuse to believe it. It just can’t be true that a majority of American voters are that dumb; that reckless. We’re going to be ok. Harris and Walz are the real deal, and just like with that 2022 “red wave” that everyone predicted… Trump is going to drown in blue. Chin up, old man, we’ll be having a virtual toast in a couple of weeks. Believe it!!

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I feel ya but I thought the same in 2016

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I remember 2016 too. I remember lackadaisical voters, kicking back with their feet up because “there’s NO WAY he’s getting elected”. This is not ‘16.

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Harris/Walz is the real deal, but the misogynoir and overt racism is a huge activation barrier to get over, and I am not sure that America can do it.

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I hear you. It’s just really strange how nearly everyone I subscribe to is down in the dumps today. We can do this!!

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Sadly, the exact same thing. I have this lump in my throat which isn’t going away. I stay up at night wracked with worry. They say to focus on stuff that we can control.

I can’t control this, but the thought of another four years scares the hell out of me🥲

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I have the same fear and anxiety you do. On top of all that I have to go to the DMV here in Chicago and take a road test on a car I’m renting from Zipcar for an exorbitant amount of money. Why? Because on October 21 I turn 84, and when you reach a certain age in Illinois, you must take the road test every other year. I’ve been driving since I was 17. I’ve taken the road test in Virginia, New York, and now here. I’ve never failed…but you never know, I could this time because life everywhere is so uncertain. At least I know that this is my last road test. After this I will let my license lapse. I’ll get a state ID. I’m not one of those people who equates my ability to drive a car with my personal freedom. I can’t afford to own a car anymore so why bother? Uber is cheaper, frankly. But I have one more trip I must make so I still need that license for now. If Harris loses this election, I’m not sure what I will do. I cannot spend the last four years of what may be the end of my life living in the hellscape the Republicans will create.

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But they aren’t going to win, Sarahlyn, and you will pass your test and Harris will protect women and voting rights so MAGA can crawl back in their holes. I believe most people in this country are good. And fed up!

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It’s Trump’s sycophants that worry me. Trump can be led by the nose to whatever demons whisper sweet nothings to his ego. However, those plans aren’t sweet and they aren’t nothing burgers. I’m holding on to the American experiment, though it’s been weakened by all the chicanery, is still breathing and not on life support just yet.

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In my mind there is no contest. You’re either voting for a free society or a dictatorship. The blatant lies people believe are astounding and it shows how weak minded people are. I’m cautiously optimistic but I’ll leave the US before I live another 4 years under the terms of Project 2025. I’m lucky to be able to do that, I know. I’m very tired of people behaving badly.

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I told a pro Trump relative, who already voted, that all the institution’s in place that allowed her the freedom to be successful are being questioned by Trump. Its really hard to watch her vote to lift the gates to keep others out.

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I've got one client and a number of close friends in the US who are hoping like feck that Harris wins, but have already started to talk to me about their escape plans if she doesn't.

Two may well end up claiming asylum in the UK, and both will be bringing their $MM businesses with them.

Across on this side of the pond, we are looking with utter incredulity that a certain percentage of y'all are seriously considering placing a dementia-riddled racist convicted felon and rapist back at the helm.

Not to mention his creepy and weird evil sidekick and their christo-fascist supporters and funders...

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Your fears are mine. You cannot show reason to cult members. The others you mention live by the creed “what’s in it for me.” I am physically nauseous at the thought of him “winning”.

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Ther are just so damn many of them, the hard 30ish% of MAGA and the 17 or so percent of those who are just fine with the rhetoric if they get their taxes lowered.

And that is enough to elect the tangerine turd

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My belief that no one would be stupid enough to make Donald Trump the President of the United States (“What a ridiculous idea - are you people nuts?”) died a horrible death on November 9, 2016 when I completely expected to wake up to President Hillary Clinton and instead somehow found myself in the Bizarro World.

I’m ready this time. My ~100 year old house is in my county’s hottest real estate market, and I’m constantly getting offers. If Trump gets back in, I’m selling the place, buying an RV for me and the cats to live in, and hitting the road. I’m thinking New Mexico - somewhere close to the border for a quick getaway if needed, but not TOO fascist (Texas, Arizona) or too nanny state. (California)

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"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe." Einstein

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Same. Still, I feel deep in my bones that Trump is going down. It’s all I got. (Also respect and faith in the basic goodness of people, women in particular, like Jojo, who are really, really sick of the bullshit and the bullying that Trump represents.)Hold on and stay strong. We’re almost there.

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Amen Marcus. We need to always remember the goodness of most people in America.

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Your fears are the same as mine, I'm petrified at the thought he could win. What can people be thinking to elect a felon rapist failed businessman?

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I know, how could it possibly be this close?

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