I am not a fan of Elon Musk. I first heard of him when the original Tesla Roadster (circa 2007) was released, but I had no real opinion about him at that point. Then I started hearing from my circle of geeky friends about how awesome he is(was). So I looked into him, and the one thing that stood out was how much of an asshole he was to his first wife, and I recognized that he was a serial asshole.
One type of click bait that I can’t stop myself from clicking on are takedowns of this petulant man-child.
The main account that does brilliant, fact-based analyses of the tripe that Musk utters is Common Sense Skeptics. Recently, after the IF3 “test1” there was a recorded SpaceX all-hands event for Musk to preen and crow about their “success”, and like many of his other events, it was chocked full of awkward pauses, ums, ers, and other verbal tics that are littered through his talks.
In fact, for most of these riposte videos that CSS posts, they edit out these time wasters. After their latest vid, they received multiple requests to just have a super cut with just the awkward verbal tics and pauses. So here it is, more than 6 minutes of cringe:
If you want to watch the video where these were trimmed from, try this:
(Totally worth the watch by the way)
By test, I mean the lighting of about a billion dollars on fire to destroy another Starship prototype article
How did this con man get NASA subbed out to him? He's a megamaniacle ass. The US Government should cut him a check and take baby Elmo's toys away from him.
That mash up of ers, ums, yeahs, so’s, etc was worth cringing about. I didn’t finish the other (but will) is a brilliant exposé of a legend in his own mind.