Geoff, thanks for always bringing the heat. I cannot stand these fake "allies," they are the reason why Republicans' evil can take root, with their wishy-washy waffling, excuse making and rose colored glasses stupidity. Keep calling them out!

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Geoff. I always come to you for a laugh. U never disappoint. I'd double everything that u wrote, but replace NYT with WAPO. Same same as they say here. Of course, this goes far deeper than just the headlines, but those headlines are influential enough in the age of TikTok attention spans and paywalls. Keep up the good fight! (Just don't expect to be picked up now by the mainstream media :)

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Thanks man. I keep my subs to both (and The Atlantic) because they DO do good reporting and long form investigations, but for fuck's sake, their opinions and punditry are just the fucking WORST

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it's getting bad eh? I have to wonder what the fuck they are teaching kids these days at all the liberal arts colleges? During COVID I got to log into a kid's online E-education Remote system; he was an econ and polysci(fi) major and I was appalled by everything I saw within... from choices of classes to advisor recommendations to critiques from professors... wtf. these schools are not your father's liberal arts colleges!

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NYT headlines are doing exactly as intended, sad to say. So much for that strong "liberal media bias."

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No shit.

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What can I say? Sometimes I like to be Captain Obvious.

What kind of bread are you making?

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An Overnight Blonde from the Ken Forkish book: Flour, Water, Salt, Yeast

It is my go to, and it has been so long since I baked, I had to run out and buy whole wheat flour (my last sack had gotten "stale") because my stash had gotten stale.

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Hope it turns out well.

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