She was against him, before she was for him, and she worked in his administration before she denounced him.
Yeah, that makes no sense to me, but two days ago, about 2 months after she exited the Republican primary race for president after Trump embarrassed her on Super Tuesday, even in the state that she was Governor of, South Carolina.
A lot of the so called “normie” Republicans were big sadz that she failed to catch on and defeat the Tangerine Turd, but they were cautiously optimistic that because she didn’t immediately get in line and kiss the ring, that just maybe she would retain her dignity and refuse to endorse or vote for Trump1.
On Wednesday, she finally took her first baby steps to get back into the fold and said publicly that she was voting for Trump. Sure, it isn’t a full-throated endorsement, but it is all but inevitable.
From the AP:
Nikki Haley said Wednesday that she will be voting for Donald Trump in the general election, a notable show of support given their intense and often personal rivalry during the Republican primary calendar.
Ayup, that is the chink in the armor, the hole in the dam that will lead to the next step.
Of course, many of the Never Trumpers such as The Bulwark, Rick Wilson, and all others reflected their dismay at the once again flip-flop of Haley2.
When she suspended her campaign, she did say that Trump (and the Trump campaign) really needed to work to gain her supporters’ confidence. What did the Tangerine Rhino do?
If you said that he was crystal clear that the Haley supporters were irrelevant, that they weren’t really Republicans, that this “tiny” sliver of the electorate was irrelevant to his steamroller of a campaign.
But, since the suspension of the Haley campaign, an interesting phenomenon has manifested itself. In subsequent primary races, there has been a consistent 15 - 20% margin of voters pulling the lever for her, even though she was officially out of the race.
Trump and his surrogates have dismissed this as crossover of Democrats poisoning the Republican primaries in open primary states. Yet even in states like Pennsylvania that have closed primaries (that is, you can only vote in the primary you are registered in; thus Democrats can’t vote for Republicans, and Independents don’t get to vote at all) she has siphoned off high teens percentages of the vote.
Whilst this might not filter its way past the ferrets in Trump’s mind that control his combover, it certainly does mean something to the two top pols running the Trump campaign, Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita. No doubt they are terrified of roughly 20% of registered Republicans either sitting out or crossing over to vote for Biden. They know that this will likely doom the election for the Orangina Turd in November.
I would be shocked if there hadn’t been a constant stream of back-channel communications from the Trump campaign and the Haley team for a reproachment to pave a path3 to Haley rejoining the fold.
And suddenly Trump is no longer calling her “birdbrain” and instead saying that he thinks she will be happy on Team Trump4.
Suddenly, she seems to be in the mix for the Veep choice, and the others prostrating themselves in humiliating ways (cough Stefanik, Scott, Rubio, et. al. cough) are now losing their luster. One has to believe that the dynamic duo of Wiles and LaCivita are whispering in the cheeto dusted shitgibbon’s ears that Haley brings close to 20% of the base with her. That likely will get past the mental fog that clogs Trumps swiss-cheese brain and will lift her stock.
Mark my words, Haley is going to jump the line in the Veepstakes.
So much for normality returning to the GOP, the rot runs riot in their ranks.
And for that, Nimarata “Nikki” Haley is my Human Garbage of the Week!
To be fair, the Never Trump folks all wished her to stand strong, but they all believed that she would eventually get into line. They understood the mentality of the current crop of cowardly pols.
I mean, Haley has been a creature of being on the wrong side until it was no longer tenable, c.f. her stance on the Confederate Battle flag where she supported it until it became toxic after the Charleston church shooting
Paved in shit bricks. A friend who built a house in San Filipe, Mexico explained that his landscaping that used these rather beautiful hued bricks, and he explained to us that they were local clays, that were fired using dung pellets and thus were “shit bricks”. The path for Haley back to team Trump is certainly paved with these shit bricks. Fun fact, when I searched for a link, I got this from the MSFT Copilot (aka Chat GPT):
I more than giggled about that.
Typing that made me throw up a little bit in my mouth.
“there has been a consistent 15 - 20% margin of voters pulling the lever for her, even though she was officially out of the race.”
Maybe not the whole 15 - 20%, but I’m pretty sure a goodly number of those people would be filling in the circle for Hannibal Lechter if he was on the ballot against Trump.
Nikki is deluded if she thinks there’s that much love floating around for her. Also, if she thinks she’s going to be truly welcomed back into Trump World. Overcoming her apostasies against Orange Jesus would be bad enough. Add in gender and hue.
My money is on another apostate who seems to have sufficiently debased himself: JD Vance. Although I saw Tom Cotton’s name pop up and think he might be worth a side bet. Not really going with the conventional wisdom that he has to pick a woman. I fully expect to be wrong.
My hope is the sooner he has a running mate, the better. I don’t expect them to be able to bob and weave on questions like the master. First question: Is there anything you won’t do for Dear Leader in order to avoid having an angry mob hang you from a gallows constructed in front of the Capitol?
You sure you wanna be the next Mike Pence, Nikki? Remember that scaffold in front of the Capitol on January 6th?