This week was Halloween. As our hounds are rather excitable, we have a method to deal with the trick-or-treaters. I grab a chair, a small table, and a guitar then I sit out on our walkway, strumming tunes, handing out candy to the neighborhood kids.
It is something I enjoy, and I think the kids (and parents) get a kick out of1. My go to is the nylon string guitar. I have a student grade Takamine classical that I bought back in 2007. It is bright, clear, and it projects well.
This year, since I have been playing a lot more, I felt a lot better, and reached deeper into my repertoire. Until I got to a song that I know very well, but fuck, I forgot how to play.
And, frankly it was embarrassing.
The song you might ask?
Stairway to Heaven.
How on God’s green earth could I ever forget that chord progression, the fingerpicking pattern, the fills?
I just blanked out.
Sure, I figured much of the main progression out, but dammit, it was a low point in my life.
Way back in the mid 1980’s when I first learnt it, I played it over and over enough that my siblings got really tired of it.
to be honest, I love doing it. Maybe next year I will drag out an amp and one of the electric guitars.