Since I wrote a couple of days ago about the sad fact that Youtube is now going full Nazi on ad blockers, I am seeing some strange ads.
Like this one sponsored by Hero Investing:
I wonder who they are targeting to click through? Horny tech bros? Regardless, it isn’t me.
The next entry is this gem. For the record, I am an avowed atheist, and while I don’t spar with the believers, I have never given any hint that I was in the realm of believers.
This is an ad for an Evangelical ministry that is of an interesting timing. The Evangelicals are hyper focused on supporting Israel, and many assume that is because they are concerned about the Jewish people.
But that is 100% not the case. Their love of Israel is that the prophecy of Revelations is that once the Jews are in control of the area that is considered Israel, then Christ will return to Earth, and that will bring about the rapture and end times, by eradicating the Jews, ushering in the Kingdom of God on earth.
So, here is an ad from a ministry who views the Gazan war as potentially kicking off the second coming. They really have no love of the Jewish people. The Jewish people will be smote by Christ to the benefit of the Evangelicals. Nice.
Unfucking believable that they are targeting me with this trash.
Next up: more soft pr0n vibes
I wonder how they target. This one seems poorly targeted to me.
At least this is a quasi dating site (I presume, no fucking way I am clicking on the link) instead of a clickbait image to harvest “tech bros”.
Still, what the actual fuck.
Am I getting typecast?
The thread of sketchy fucking adverts continues. This popped up:
There seems to be plenty of ads targeting (I assume) techie men who watch too much Youtube. Maybe they think that we are all neckbeards, quasi incels living in mom’s basement watching a lot of manga, and hentai fantasizing about having an Asian girlfriend1.
Maybe they assume by my viewing patterns of watching Crypto bro take-downs, racing game streamers, and religion debunkers puts me firmly into the MRA/Incel twat-waffle cohort.
Oh well, that’s enough for today. Maybe I do need to open the wallet to pay for YT premium, and spare me the eye-bleach.
Warning, do not look those terms up if you don’t want to barf a bit in your mouth.
For fuck's sake. Your ads are much worse than what I'm seeing, but that seems to be because the advertisers don't think there's much of a market for female-focused porn.