Music: Epic guitar battle - Eric Gales v. Bonamassa
Thirteen minutes of just amazing lick trading.
Occasionally, over an adult beverage with fellow music loving and playing friends, and I will — at times — criticize Joe Bonamassa. Mostly because of his commercial success, and his juggernaut of a marketing machine (not sure what I mean? Join his mailing list).
Add to that the YUGE collection of rare guitars and amps that he tours with (rumor has it he has not one, but two Dumble amps in his rig) and yeah, he is kinda a douchebag.
But the man can play.
And play extremely well.
Thus, while I at times can quibble with his eccentricities, I gotta admire his HUGE pot of talent. Sure, some of that is just his luck to have the ability to play, but it is also a testament to a lifetime of practice and being in the right place at the right time.
That is a long prolog to saying that during a concert series a couple of years ago, he invited the incredibly talented Eric Gales to join him on stage for an old-fashioned Guitar Duel.
And this is worth watching in its entirety. Two dudes shredding on stage, and a lot of jaws hitting the ground in the audience.
The young Joe had it going on even 3 decades ago:
I hope you enjoy this video on a Sunday morning.
First off ,as always , thank you for sharing with us. I really appreciate your efforts to educate us especially with regard to “new” or “under the radar “talented musicians.
However, My feelings towards Mr. Bonnamassa almost kept me from opening your letter this afternoon. Finding out about Eric Gales is actually what prompted me to open up.
In reading your opening paragraph in which you express some caveats to adoration of Mr B brought me to listening. Thanks you for that.
For me Joe has no soul. Flashy picking yes but for me at least he has no soul. Maybe soul is the wrong word. His music simply does not touch my heart.
I admire the hell out of Joe. He’s not only a fine player, he did it on his own terms without becoming part of the rockstar elite. His hustle, drive and dedication to his art have always impressed me. I particularly like his choice of collaborators highlighting his musical roots, e.g.