Another of my albums the ex kept. Then he left the entire collection in the house we sold. I hope the new owners appreciate the music like I did- hope the ex ….. well that is for another place & time.
The original is my favorite. The other version is lovely, just have my favorite on the album.
Thanks for these great pieces! A lot of memories packed into an old record collection…..
Another of my albums the ex kept. Then he left the entire collection in the house we sold. I hope the new owners appreciate the music like I did- hope the ex ….. well that is for another place & time.
The original is my favorite. The other version is lovely, just have my favorite on the album.
Thanks for these great pieces! A lot of memories packed into an old record collection…..
Sounds like the ex is the ex for a good reason
Oh yes - 20 years of marriage that lasted at least 10 years too long! Now I am happy - that bugs the hell out of him. ☀️❤️
Wow, that is great!
I might just like the Jade&Den Quintet’s version even better than the original, which itself is pure gold. That pianist is amazing!
Oops, autocorrect. Should be Jad&Den!
Wow! I have one of Emerson Lake & Palmer albums… guess I better listen to it again! The Quartet is amazing! Thanks for that!!!
Jad&Dens Quartet are phenomenal. Literally. Thanks for sharing this extraordinary piece of group interplay and musicianship.
Look for their cover of Bohemian Rhapsody and prepare to be delighted!