Kent Nishimura was exactly what I needed today. Please don’t kill your guitars.

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That makes my day! No, I will not chip my guitars.

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Haha. Just seemed like a weird Fargo one-off.

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Amazing. You know his playing is fantastic when it sends chills from head to toe❣️

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Oh, don't chip your gits. They are your dream boats.

Kent has an amazing talent.

As for me, I don't have nimble fingers or golden vocal chords, but I do write good songs.

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Holy cow - notes and technique from heaven

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Beautiful! 💖

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I’ve never seen anybody with harmonics technique like that, except maybe Jaco Pastorius. But electric base is a whole ‘nother ball of wax.

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Beautiful and relaxing.

Mucho Thanks

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Amazing Thank you ♥️♥️♥️

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