Another awesome female guitarist! Thank you Geoff! Now, crack the whip and back to mining salt!

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Didnt know a thing about Disturbed and David Draiman....very cool. Now back to your salt mines. 😂😂😂 Your piece on Kathy Parker oughta be a good one...she's worthless.

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Check out Disturbed cover of Sound of Silence. Unmatched.


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The Republicans don’t have a copyright on constructive anger, but they do have a copyright on reckless anger

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Awesome video pick! More new music to me! This one really got me going today.

Also, your post gave me a good chuckle this morning. Thank you for your selfless service in the salt mines (cool pic) for your lovelies. 😂

Kathleen Parker can go f@ck herself. “Without her beauty, Harris might be joining Biden in retirement.” Yet again, our value is dependent on our looks, and attacked by a woman, no less. Grrrrr

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That's why Ms. Parker has twice been my "This Fucking Guy" because she so wants to be an alpha male.

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Kathleen Parker is scraping below the bottom with her remarks on Kamala Harris’ appearance. Petty and puerile. How threatened is ms Parker if she’s writing as if she’s a contributor to Tiger Beat? Sounds like A LOT jelly right there!!

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Another female Who SLAYS & is rarely given the publicity of her male counterparts. Thank you!!🙏🏼

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Oh yeah, she’s top tier all the way.

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The salt mine photo looks a lot fake!

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Ha, but it is real. On a business trip to Krakow, we did a tour of the salt mine, and I took that picture myself.

(It was a lot cooler than it sounds)

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