Music: SandraiseR - a Welsh band that covers Hendrix (& Gallagher)
There's so damn much talent out there, just begging to be found & Shared!
I am plotting some meaty posts for the interregnum betwixt Christmas and New Year, but for today, on this cold Christmas morning, I discovered this awesome song and had to share it.
The band is a Wales based cover band that specializes in the music of James Marshall (a.k.a. “Jimi”) Hendrix, and Rory Gallagher. The song here is “Hear my Train a’Comin” a deep track and one that you have to be an aficionado to be familiar with.
The guitarist really nails the Hendrix tone, and his playing styles/tics. Alas, he isn’t left-handed, so that is a two-point demerit1.
But what I enjoyed most of all is the older couple who are dancing like they dropped the good acid at Woodstock. Man, I hope to be like that lady with her cane shuffling to the beat.
Give this a check, and I hope you enjoy this lil’ bit o’ merriment on Christmas day, 2024!
Just enjoying their pints, with this killer act in the background. Truly epic!
Just kidding, he’s fucking nailing it!
Edited because of fucking course I misspelled Gallagher. What a fucking tool I am.
For my sins, here is another 12 minutes of SandraiseR covering "A Million Miles Away" by Rory.
Killer! Have a pleasant Chrismahannukwanzaka, Geoff! Your ‘stack has been a ray of sunshine in an otherwise dreary and soul-sucking year.. can’t wait to see what you get up to in the New Year🤘