Today is Saturday. We are less than 48 hours post SOTU, you know, the one where Biden (sorry, Dark Brandon) fucking NAILED it, making MAGA Mike Johnson squirm like a teenaged boy who snuck into a blue movie and are wondering why their pee-pee is tingly.
Yeah, that was an amazing lesson, and all the mouth-breathers on the Right media ecosystem are falling all over themselves to excuse this as evidence that Biden was on PED’s1.
Of course, the Grey Lady, the “Paper of Record”, has to lapse back into their Eeyore universe, and the net result is this above-the-fold duo.
I mean, did the NY Times staff not watch the speech? Of course they have to revert to their “both are bad” mantra, and I presume send their journos to ever more remote rural diners to understand the Trump voters in their natural habitat.
And the blurb on the shit-show that was Katie Britt’s response. Uh, it wasn’t “misleading” it was a motherfucking LIE. Sure the story is true, but it wasn’t during Biden’s administration. As in, the current border shit-show was not when this happened. Nor was it during the prior Democratic administration, where the heathen Obama sullied the solemnity of the office by wearing a tan suit.
No, this tale and the repercussions happened during the George Bush administration.
So, why the fuck are you so goddamn timid when it comes to calling out these motherfucking lies that the Republicans tell over and over?
For fuck’s sake, stop this shit.
Performance Enhancing Drugs. Funny that one clip I saw was Judge Winebox (AKA Jeanine Pirro) just flummoxed about Biden’s A-Game performance.
At least the WaPo was having nothing to do with Katie Britt’s nonsense. It’s on today’s homepage.
“ Katie Britt’s false linkage of a sex-trafficking case to Joe Biden”
The New York Times aka Trump’s personal rusty trombone….🤢🤮