My last post regarding the ineffectiveness of the Never Trump punditry was weeks in the writing. I would start and stop, but essentially I was trying to get across that the Never Trump pundit class likes to bellyache about Biden (his age, his gaffes, his walking the picket line in the UAW strike, et al.)
Their MO is bitch about Trump, Trump’s enablers, and the weak sauce wish-casting for a better conservative voice, while secretly hoping that Democratic voters save them from the orange tinged shit-gibbon.
But last night, after the ridiculous Newsom/DeSantis “debate1” the Bulwark had a special edition of their Thursday Night Bulwark, and instead of being behind the paywall, it was dropped on YouTube, so I clicked on it.
And, at about the 34 minute mark, JVL said it out loud. That it is irresponsible to rely on the Democrats to continue to bail the Republicans out of their Trump jam. Be sure to fast forward to 34 minutes (the time index thing just doesn’t work on YT links on YT…)
By debate, I mean a 90 minute session of making me stab my ears to stop hearing both of these poseurs posturing. I live in California, and while Newsom is not a bad governor for us, I am 100% certain that he would get his ass handed to him in a national election. Don’t @ me.
100% agree. Newsom would get his ass handed to him on the national stage. I live in a blue state on the opposite coast and he’s certainly not on my top 25 potential successors to Joe list. He’s way to smarmy.