Hats off to you and Shelley! Will be using fee-fees on the regular. Sick of so called liberal NYT trash talking Biden. How many times can they write about him losing in the polls? I saw this last go around. My guess is it’s the cash grab that is click bait. I’m not sure they are capable of writing meaningful pieces. Over it which is why I unsubscribed. Your writing, on the other hand, I find delightful! Keep on keeping on my friend.

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Good One. I'll down a water to get the taste from mine.

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All these writers have been in the tank for Trump for ages. That’s why this a problem for Joe Biden (god, I miss seeing NY Times Pitchbot).

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So glad to have cancelled my NYT subscription

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So few independents/undecideds read the NYT that these partisan clickbait articles have little if any substantive impact on anything. Recently, the ridiculous Bill Maher stated on one of his broadcasts that Biden jumped into the debate fray first because that’s what the candidate that’s losing does. Addle-brained by his adolescent-level weed habit, little Billy forgot that weeks ago Trump demanded to debate Biden “right now!” Polls are not votes. It’ll all happen when each of us has that ballot in our hand. Every thing until that moment is literally just noise.

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I used to love Bill Maher back in the day. Even if I didn’t agree with his take, it was always thought provoking. Now he just panders to the lowest common denominator. Fuck that guy.

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Totally unbelievable and unacceptable! Report the facts! How in the world can any of the media be sympathetic to Trump? 😡

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I have several contacts in Trump's age range and all in South Florida, a Trump home game if there ever was one. They all loved him 4-8 years ago. Today? Not so much. Don't see Trump making much or a race of it in the general election. Remember where you heard it first. Another good rant by Geoff. Keep 'em coming.

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May 19·edited May 19Liked by Geoff Anderson

In my opinion, what's worse are the skewed polls they do, then report on as if it's honest work. For anyone interested, Simon Rosenberg's Hopium Chronicles covers all the polling pretty well: https://www.hopiumchronicles.com/

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