I was standing in line at my local grocery store when I got the alert that Joe Biden is ending his campaign.
About 11:30 AM PDT my phone began blowing up.
It is clear that the megadonors (aka bed wetters) and the Never Trump twats (I’m looking at you The Bulwark, Steven Schmidt and others) as well as a lot of crusty old Democratic operatives (Carville, Texiera, and countless other spineless sphincter dams) got what they wanted.
Now they all will lobby heartily to have a wild west contested convention next month, all hoping their favorite pol will emerge victorious.
The WaPo has already published an editorial on how a series of mini-primaries will over the next 4 weeks or so set up the convention to be a beauty pageant. The undercurrent being that they all expect Kamala Harris to just step aside like a good brown skinned, double X chromosome good Samaritan and let this all happen.
I mean for fuck’s sake, I have seen a concentrated effort to advocate for a Romney-Duckworth ticket. Seriously, you really need to stop with the Peyote Buttons with that shit.
Fortunately, Biden chose this opportunity to issue a full-throated endorsement of Kamala Harris for the top spot.
And she deserves it.
All the Never Trumpets (I am looking at you The Bulwark) who will now weigh in can go fuck themselves. You are still Republicans, and you all have had a hand in the elevation of Trump, you really need to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
All of you.
Because, if Harris doesn’t win in November, you will all have your fingerprints on this debacle, and you can just eat shit.
The one thing I am going to be saddened by is that we will likely not get to see Kamala flense JD Vance live on television. That would have made my year/decade. I can only hope that Pete Buttigieg is the Veep candidate, because watching him clean his teeth with the remnants of Vance’s ribcage would be next level epic.
Last words: Biden, you fought the good fight. You and your decades of service are and were honorable. I am sorry the last 8 weeks or so has been a cascading shit-show perpetrated by Republicans, the Media, and a coalition of self-important Democratic “influencers1”. You should continue to kick ass in the office, giving not one fuck what the haters say, hold your head high, and walk out in dignity.
To the wads of fuck, people like George Clooney, I hope you are all rounded up first by Trump’s storm troopers should he win in November and be stacked like cordwood in the first concentration camp the MAGA shock troops build. You have earned your eternal torment that will make Sisyphus seem tame.
This is a dark day. I have bleakness in my heart. Or is it blackness.
I mean that in the worst possible sense
I just want to say that you all have been magnificent. Thank you for the engagement, comments, and commiserations. This means a lot to me.
Fuck all the fuckers at The Bulwark.
They were all GOP insiders and operatives. There is no chance in hell that they never saw MAGA coming within the racist and stupid ranks, even in years before TurdTraitorTwat infected politics.
They all knew what the Federalist Society was doing, for fucking years, to control the SC with a goal of turning the US into some sort of Chritian nation. When anyone from The Bulwark, and their Federalist Society insider Georgie Porgey Conway claims to be shocked or surprised by the bullshit that Federalist Society endorsed judges have done to human rights they are lying fucking liars who at minimum sat on their hands or openly helped that to happen.
Fuck them all.
Now, let's get behind Kamala and her VP and kick traitor ass!