This Fucking Guy: David French
He seems to have finally realized that he was used by the Republicans and he doesn't like it one bit... Good.
Just when I thought the extended fuckery would abate, along comes David French. Today, he writes in the NY Times, about his disappointment that there is no longer a Pro-Life political party.
Boo fucking hoo.
He is pissed that his beloved retromingent Republicans that he has carried so much fucking water for over the decades are back pedaling away from their anti-Abortion convictions. Like many (most?) evangelical gasbags, he has been all aboard the Crazy Train of Republican politics to get that sweet overturning Roe fix.
While I always respected arguments about the personhood of the baby, I was often frustrated when critics would attribute malign motives to pro-life Americans. I’d been a part of the pro-life movement my entire adult life. I began my activism in college and represented pro-life students and pro-life groups in my legal career, and I’d never seen a desire for subjugation and control. While I don’t pretend that any political movement is perfect, I’ve seen with my own eyes pro-life activists and volunteers demonstrate immense love and compassion for women in distress, trying desperately to care for mother and child by offering financial, emotional and spiritual support.
Uh, sure you respected the pro-choice arguments. Give me a fucking break. You were such a fucking cheerleader for the Dobbs decision, you were practically creaming your jeans when the leak of the draft opinion happened in early May 2022. Next para:
But now I’m left wondering how much of the movement was truly real. How much was it really about protecting all human life? And were millions of ostensibly pro-life Americans happy with pro-life laws, only so long as they targeted “them” and imposed no burden at all on “us”?
Gee, you are just figuring this shit out? Could it be that the Evangelicals and religious nutters were just a raft that the Republicans used to continue to be viable as the demographics clock began to leave their older, white, and less educated base in the rear view mirror?
Nah, you couldn’t have been taken for a ride, right?
Bwah ha hahahahahahaha
Last pull from the article, I promise:
On Wednesday, Trump reversed his previous position supporting a 20-week ban on abortion; he announced that he would not support a national abortion ban if he wins the presidency, and he said the policy should instead be left up to the states. This is a traditional pro-life position, but only if you also urge states to use their autonomy to pass pro-life bills. Instead, Trump’s advice to voters was to “follow your heart” and “do what’s right for your family, and do what’s right for yourself.” It’s “all about the will of the people,” he said.
This is the most pro-choice position a Republican presidential candidate has taken since at least Gerald Ford. And how did the pro-life establishment respond? With mild criticism, but also with immediate support. As Politico reported this week, “Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, Students for Life, the Faith and Freedom Coalition, the Family Research Council, National Right to Life and CatholicVote reiterated their commitment Monday morning to electing Trump.”
Gee, a multiply divorced, serial adulterer, loathsome sloth like Trump who has no doubt covered the tab for multiple abortions of his myriad mistresses’ abortions isn’t the perfect vehicle you wanted on your “pro-life” bingo card?
Cry me a fucking river, build a bridge, and get over it. You, and your ilk have been trying to exert your will on the wider population for FUCKING DECADES, and I am going to revel in all the schadenfreude that you are righteously deserving.
Ok, I lied, one more sweet section of delicious Conservative Tears. They are the lubricant of my joy:
At the same time, poorly drafted abortion regulations have placed a terrible spotlight on conservative states, with many examples of punitive laws placing women who are suffering miscarriages and other pregnancy complications in profound danger. This harsh approach undermines pro-life arguments that the movement does, in fact, love both mother and child.
It’s no wonder, then, that the pro-life cause is in a state of emergency so soon after its greatest legal triumph, in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. It has lost every referendum since the Supreme Court decided Dobbs, including ballot measures in red states like Kentucky, Kansas, Montana and Ohio. Early polling indicates that Florida’s proposed pro-choice referendum may well cross the 60 percent threshold needed to pass and overturn the state’s six-week abortion ban. In fact, a majority of Republican voters appear to support the referendum.
Even more ominously from a pro-life perspective, the abortion rate rose under Trump, and the total number of abortions has actually increased since the Dobbs decision. (emphasis mine - ha hahahahahahah)
You lie down with pigs, don’t be surprised when you are coated in shit.
This is why I loathe David French. He is the intellectual foil to Ross Douthat, but at the end of the day, he is just as shitty of a human being.
This is a big week in human garbage.
I’m just gobsmacked. “Pro life” is meaningless without universal sick leave, universal health care free at the point of service, universal paid parental leave, pro union policies, high minimum wage guarantees, universal paid vacations, monthly child benefits per child, without regard to the working status of the child’s parents and/or guardians, who indeed may be choosing to stay home with that child, universal free or heavily subsidized childcare, universal free meals at schools…
These are the sorts of things that help people to choose become parents, not abortion bans and fuck all nothing in societal supports. Geez.
I honestly consider Democrats who have been working to get these policies in place and succeeding to whatever level the true “pro life” party if we have to use that label, because that is what human dignity and supports really looks like, not the ongoing dystopia of physically and socially suffering pregnant people.
That particular lubricant never fails to work for me.