Oh my. I’m flying under the radar and still trying to avoid being sucked back into the great maw of management. I feel your pain. Bless and good luck

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May the “luck be a la lady tonight” meaning apply to your success! If you need an entertaining escape in Vegas, get a ticket to see Mr. Vegas himself, Wayne Newton, at the Flamingo Hotel. It’s a fun show with stories, film clips and great songs over his long career. Yes, he’s still alive! 🦩🦩🦩🎰

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All the luck for your work-life balance, and that this change comes with more job security.

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Hope they give you a nice Apprentice style boardroom.

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Vegas? Yuk. Hopefully you got a raise to buy a Leica and go back to Italy!

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Congrats!(?) I hope you get extra moneys as well.

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