Once Again: NY Times WTF Headlines
Something's up at the Grey Lady, and one has to wonder if they are purposely this obtuse. Regardless, their wit or attempts to be click-bait fall flat, and really exposes their biases
As I sit here at 5:30 on a Sunday morning1, I am watching one of my favorite YouTube creators do his weekly engine teardown and scrolling through the NY Times, and I have some comments about the headlines that the shitbag editors have grafted to the work of their journalists. Without further ado…
Above the fold, in their “Election 2024” section, is this trio of stories:
Look, the last in the list is something that should fucking be front and center. Here Trump is dehumanizing migrants, and me thinks that should be a little more prominent. For fuck’s sale folks, this shit can’t be buried.
No. The answer is no.
Thank <insert deity here> I have been married for 24 years, because the toxic sludge that are dating apps is just gob smacking. (to be fair, the online dating scene in the late 1990s was pretty fucked too.)
When has Kellyanne Conway’s advice not been rather weak?
Seriously though, I am a fan of Jamelle, and the advice that Kellyanne is proffering is to hide their bullshit around how they want to fuck up women’s reproductive health options. That is probably a failed strategy, and Kellyanne is still human garbage.
They are “here” now, as in just arrived?
Hate to break it to them, but the raunchy, shitty Christians who have really given the faith a bad name have been out and proud, flying their freak-flags for a long fucking time.
Try posting atheist memes on social media, and the profane that bubbles out of the so called faithful will curl your toes.
Had to deal with this when I was executor of my stepfather’s estate. My stepbrother had camped out in the house, and I had to call the police — multiple times — before I could get the house ready to sell. Alas, he also had stolen and sold anything of value by the time I could get him out.
Truth is, this is really fucking hard shit to deal with, and I drank way too much over those 14 months of my life.
This really just makes me haz the sadz.
Don’t feel bad for me, I am a morning person, and sleeping to 4:30 is sleeping in for me.
As infuriating as this is, it’s at a point where personally you just shrug and think it’s The NY Times…It’s the same as telling someone to go away by saying F off Fox News Breath. Interesting how these once respected or at least credible at times media sites, are now working their way into the common tongue as insults.
4:30 am. You're a far more ambitious person than I. 😂
I finally had enough and cancelled the NYT- it's just crap-I dont feel I'm missing anything but rage.